As the above picture explicitly says that , you are required to enter few details alongwith the crux and excerpts of the manuscript, after that choose a category for your manuscript like poetry, article etc. once you have completed the form please submit the details, as soon as you have clicked over the submit it will go to the admin for approval.
In the 2nd step you will have the look over the status of the Request whether that has been approved or not, if the status is approved then the proceed button on right top will get highlighted , and you are authorized to proceed to next status by clicking over proceed. In case the approval is pending or the request has been disapproved, you can add the new details to have the approval.
As we can see the next picture where you are now about to customize the look and feel of your book, i.e. size, Binding type, paper color and type, after customizing you are required to write a short about manuscript along with the full manuscript uploaded. Once you are done with these processes get the click over proceed to jump the next step.
Now it is turn to make your book more charming by selecting the covers for your book, there are several book covers shown on the slide, if you like them you can choose any one from them , in case you have the book cover you can click over the Upload to have your own cover. If you want none you can proceed with a click over No Thanks.
Now we are closer to publish the Book, Now please select the service you want from us in term of editing there are three types of editing you can choose from like format editing, copy editing etc. if you wish to choose any service then click on 'submit and proceed', and if you don't wish to take any one of them please continue clicking on 'No Thanks'.
Now we are in stage to Make the Books more authentic , i.e. via ISBN and copyright. Price for these services has been indicated against them, so if you want these service you simply click over the small radio button, else you can continue with 'No Thanks' Button.
Huh!! we came to the point.. that is your right to set your word's price. Yes here you can set the price for your book which will be shown on publication. So please select the No. of pages and price for your book, entering these two field you will get your royalty displayed here after having click over 'Calculate your Ebook Royalty'.
in this step it is to be acknowledge that you are agreed and comitted upon the terms and conditions mentioned above by uploading a copy of your signature overe here.
A very Felicitations to you!! you have completed the process and now you have been tagged as self publisher, just agree the tems and upload your signature here and you are done.